Selection for Pakistan U/21 Tent Pegging Team

This is a proud moment to announce that from Aitchison, 03 college boys out of 90 contestants have qualified to represent Pakistan U/21 Tent Pegging Team (held under the supervision of Equestrian Federation of Pakistan) in the International Tent Pegging Event. Their names are as under:-

  1. Muhammad Ishaq Khan (C21)
  2. Hamza Tariq Saadat (H2E)
  3. Hassaan Jamal Yousaf Khan (C21)

The trials were held on 30th & 31st May, 2024. Only 05 Riders are to represent Pakistan in the U/21 competition. The AC boys showed outstanding craftsmanship, commitment & resilience, thereby going trumps in selection.
We wish them the very best in future tent pegging endeavors.
