College Team Humbled ACOBA in Hockey Fixture

A thrilling hockey match was played between the College Hockey Team vs Aitchison College Old Boys’ Association. Although our old boys flamboyantly began the match, yet they were unequivocally outmaneuvered by the AC young guns. Our young team displayed better endurance and stamina. The AC Team played brilliantly as our Forwards, Centre-Halves, Goalkeeper and Defense performed remarkably in many ways.  The final score was 5-1 Goals in favour of Aitchison College Team. Goal Scorers:

  1. Awais Nadeem: 01 goal
  2. Shahidullah: 01 goal
  3. Muhammad Faisal:  02 goals
  4. Qasim Awan: 01 goal

In the end, our worthy Principal, Dr. S. M. Turab Hussain praised both the teams and gave away medals, trophies and souvenirs.