Re: Old Aitchisonian Syed Zulfiqar Ali Bokhari passes away
Old Boy and former Chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board, Syed Zulfiqar Ali Bokhari sadly passed away on Friday, January 4, 2019. He attended Aitchison College from 1942 to 1949. Among his many notable achievements at Aitchison, he was Head Boy, winner of the Rivaz Medal and recipient of the Full College Sports Blazer in 1949. Many regard him as one of our finest sportsman –naturally gifted and a wonderful team player.
There followed a distinguished career in which he served as Chairman PCB (Pakistan Cricket Board) from 1995 to 1998. He was also twice a member of the National Assembly, and remained Pakistan’s Ambassador to Spain.
On a personal level, I wish to acknowledge the wonderful support that ‘Zulfi’ extended to the College as an old boy. His company at sports and alumni functions was always a highlight. He was a thorough gentleman. Aitchison has lost one of its finest.
Our deepest sympathy and prayers go out to his family.
May his soul rest in peace.
Yours faithfully,

Michael Thomson M.A., Dip. Ed., M.A.C.E