Walter A. Robinson Cross Country Race 2020
The 4th Walter A. Robinson Cross Country Race was held on Friday 17th January, 2020. It was a memorable event that attracted over fifty old boy competitors running in various age groups; U- 35, 36-45, 46-55 and over 55. The whole school lined the course through Junior, Prep and Senior Schools, encouraging runners along the way. Indeed, old boys loved the encouragement and support they received with some added humorous comments along the way. The camaraderie of different generations of Aitchisonians stood out. This event is growing each year.
In U-35 category Mr. Faizan Ali backed 1st position, followed by Mr. Amir Bin Asif Baig (2nd Position) and in 3rd position we had Mr. Mohammad Haris Nadeem Lali. In the 36-45 age group Mr. Fahd Noon won 1st position, Mr. Faisal Zaman Khan came 2nd while Mr. Usman Tanveer Malik stood 3rd. Additionally, in the 46-55 age group Dr. Asif Bashir finished the race first, followed by Mr. Nisar Zaman Khan, where as Mr. Aly Jeddy stood 3rd.
To top it all off, in the over 55 category we had only one first position, which was given to Maj. Hamid Hassan.
Overall, the results indicate a high level of performance among current boys and old boys. The following day Junior and Prep boys also ran their races.